The post How to make your hair grow faster appeared first on Melissa Cabrini.
How to make your hair grow faster. This is what I Google last afternoon during work breaks. My followers know that my hair were not that short, I’ve never had my hair like this before last September. A day, just back from holidays my hair were dry and exhausted, that’s why I opted for cut. I did a bob. The problem it’s too easy to influence women mind through magazines and fashion shooting. I think any of us has to find her hairstyle, to be happy in the life. However, we like to change, to be always trendy. That’s why, watching that amazing hairstyles on models and singer on magazines, I opted for a bob. My hairstylist was shocked, he was not sure if do it or not, knowing my future regret. But he did it! Obviously immediately after I was super happy, the hairstyle was awesome and my hair straight, I really loved it. You can see here the shooting just after it. Day after day, straightening my hair by myself I realized the disaster that I made. Just if I would have straight and shiny hair, always perfect even during the Flood ok, I would still be happy. But my hair have strange shapes and waves, they try to stay curly like nature made them (here I talk about it). By the way if it’s true that hair grow 1 cm, maximum 1,5 cm, it means I will be always like that. Yesterday I thought Google could help me (here my addiction with this browser) and I did that well know search. I found out the following information:
-our hair health it’s strictly linked with our routine, sleeping at least 8 hours every day, drink lots of water and vitamins A, B e C. There are products that help the grow (but they even stimulate body hair grow).
-do not use straightener a lot, spray, hair color and do not use hairdryer to near.
-usage of oil is highly recommended, olive oil, argan oil, almond oil and go on, at least once a week.
-do not use plastic brush, choose the ones with natural bristles.
-regularly massage your head, for stimulate flow of blood, and hair grow.
-grandma receipts and folk tales are thousands. There are products made with brewer’s yeast that seems are really good. Last legend that people say works it’s to cut the end of your hair at the first quarter of the moon, it would stimulate the grow.
The post How to make your hair grow faster appeared first on Melissa Cabrini.