Watching the sweater that I wear today, bought in a shop in which usually we buy Save’s clothes, makes me think about few things about the life in a couple. Till few times ago I would have never worn something like that. Save has always loved basketball and all the clothes inspired by that. Before meeting him I have never listened a Beatles song, in my ignorance I was considering them just few ugly guys that made sad and annoying songs, already done and just good for archive. Than Save during our trips had insisted for listening one of their album, and I discovered there are not just “Michelle” and “Yellow Submarine” , but lots more. And after a bit I found myself listening with my iPod old and evergreen songs. During my life as single I never gave importance to the pics, that I used to take negligently with my small camera, always happy of the result with any critical sensibility. Save, when he came into my life, he took his Reflex with him, with all that numbers to set up for a perfect result. Slowly I started to notice the differences from a pic taken with love and passion and one taken randomly. Than I decided to learn how to made artistic normal life moments. The same “metamorphosis” happened in the other half of the apple, my beloved boyfriend. You have just to think that he perfectly knows the name of all the classic bags, there are no secret for him talking about Chanel nail polishes, and the salesgirls in the shops are always astonished seeing him talking about “Rouge Carat”, “Rouge Insolent”, “Particulière” and go on, naturally. Many times he goes shopping alone for me, and spends hours on Ebay saving in the Wish List the shoes that he knows I could like. Till few ago in his wardrobe you could find just joggers and basketball shoes, and last month I convinced him buying even a pair of Tod’s. What it makes me think? That having a parter means leaving your own personality for the one of the other? I think not. I think that being a couple (supporting each other) makes us better people, more complete. Finding a different personality help us understanding that there is something more over ourselves, and there are people with different priorities. It shows us that there are different ways, that if someone loves to go to the gym (one of the very little thing Save is not able to spread to me), it means that training hard should have something good. It doesn’t mean that we have to change, but there thousands things that we love to do, but that we don’t know about. A boyfriend, like any person that comes in our life, bring with him an entire universe that we just have to discover and new things to learn.Being alone you never change. Obviously for talking about love two people have to be alike. Me and Save felt in love each other when we discovered that we have lot of thing in common, and we have that feeling that you understand the other always, we laugh for the same things and made us talking for hours being never bored of it. Obviously there are clashes, discussions, misunderstandings, but we are sure about what we have in common with our lifelong love, and you are always able to resolve any problem with a smile.